2019 Conveners
4W: Women, Well-Being, Wisconsin and the World, located in the UW-Madison School of Human Ecology. The thirteen Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies programs and departments of the University of Wisconsin System brought together by the Women’s and Gender Studies Consortium, administered by the UW-Madison Department of Gender and Women’s Studies.
2019 Summit Co-sponsors:
- UW System Administration Office of Academic Programs and Educational Innovation (APEI)
- Alverno College Women and Gender Studies
- Edgewood College Women and Gender Studies
- Madison College Gender and Women’s Studies
- St. Norbert College Women’s and Gender Studies
- Winona State University Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality
- University of Minnesota Duluth Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies Program
2019 Campus Co-Sponsors:
- See full list at Co-Sponsors
Fourth Annual
4W Summit on Women, Gender and Well-being
42nd Wisconsin Women and Gender Studies Conference
April 11-13, 2019
Pyle Center, Madison, WI
Transformative Education: Then. When? Now!
2019 Women’s and Gender Studies Consortium
Undergraduate Research Conference Presentation
Award Recipients:
The following are recipients of the WGSC Undergraduate Research Awards. Each student to be recognized was identified by the Women’s and Genders Studies Program on their home campus. In addition to being recognized for the quality of their research, the award offers the opportunity to present their undergraduate research at the 2019 4W Summit. We are proud to recognized these recipients:
2019 WGSC Undergraduate Research Awardees
To Be Announced
Conference Co-chairs:
Lori DiPrete Brown, Director, UW-Madison 4W Initiative
Stephanie Rytilahti, Director, UW Women’s and Gender Studies Consortium
Special Thanks to the Summit Planning Committee
Summit Contacts:
Stephanie Rytilahti, Director
UW Women’s and Gender Studies Consortium
Email: srrytilahti@wisc.edu, Phone: 608-262-3056
Dace Zeps, Program Administrator
Center for Research on Gender and Women, UW-Madison
dazeps@wisc.edu, Phone: 608-263-2053
The 4W Summit co-convenors and sponsors are honored to be holding this conference under the auspices of the UNESCO Chair on Gender, Wellbeing, and a Culture of Peace as part of a global United Nations Platform on education, science, and culture.