Second Annual
4W Summit on Women, Gender and Well-being
40th Wisconsin Women and Gender Studies Conference
Equity, Sustainability, Empowerment
April 27-29, 2017
Pyle Center, UW-Madison
The 4W Summit is hosted by the UW-Madison 4W Initiative — Women and Well-being in Wisconsin and the World – and the UW Women’s and Gender Studies Consortium. 4W is administered by the School of Human Ecology in partnership with the Global Health Institute and the Department of Gender and Women’s Studies.
Join us!
Building and Maintaining an Academic Women’s and Gender Studies Learning Community
1976 was the first year a women’s studies conference was held in the UW System, at UW-Madison, initiated by campus librarians, with the theme of “Development of Resources for Women’s Studies in the UW System“.
In 2016 the UW-Madison 4W Initiative and the UW Women and Gender Studies Consortium join forces to present the first 4W Summit on Women, Gender, and Well-being with a focus on the research, scholarship, teaching and learning, activism and women’s well-being in a global context, across all schools and disciplines. Please enjoy this short video of highlights of last year’s Summit edited by Alan Malaga.
The 4W Summit organizers support, respect, and value all people’s identities, and see this Summit as part of work toward a transformed, multicultural, and inclusive environment, that promotes increased understandings of feminism and its interconnections with issues of race, ethnicity, age, class, ability status, sexual orientation, and gender identity; and encourage participation representative of our campuses and communities.
Past Wisconsin Women and Gender Studies conference programs.
Conference Co-chairs:
Lori DiPrete Brown, Director, UW-Madison 4W Initiative
Helen Klebesadel, Director, UW Women’s and Gender Studies Consortium
Special Thanks to the Summit Planning Committee
Summit Contacts:
Helen Klebesadel, Director
UW Women’s and Gender Studies Consortium
Email:, Phone: 608-262-3056
Dace Zeps, Program Administrator
Center for Research on Gender and Women, UW-Madison, Phone: 608-263-2053
The 4W Summit co-convenors and sponsors are honored to be
holding this conference under the auspices of the
UNESCO Chair on Gender, Wellbeing, and a Culture of Peace
as part of a global United Nations Platform
on education, science, and culture.