Reports and Articles:
- Higher Education and Student Parent Supports: Barriers, Challenges, and Opportunities
- Parents in College by the Numbers
- Understanding the Student Parent Experience: The Need for Improved Data College on Parent Status in Higher Education
- Parenting While in College: Basic Needs Insecurity Among Students with Children
- Report from Ascend at the Aspen Institute on Improving the Mental Health of Student Parents
- Title IX Protections for Pregnant and Parenting Students: A Guide for Schools
- Back to Campus 2021: Supporting Pregnant and Parenting Students During COVID-19 – 2021
- Student Parents and HIPS: Missing Out on High Impact Practices
- Pouring from an Empty Cup: Women Faculty as Caregivers Amid COVID-19 and the Threat to Career Progression
- Caregiver Burnout: Symptoms and How to Avoid Them
- Professoring and parenting in a pandemic
National Resources:
- National Women’s Law Center
- Institute for Women’s Policy Research
- Family Friendly Campus Toolkit from Endicott College: Using Data to Improve Outcomes
- Academic Mamas Foundation
- The Pregnant Scholar
- Higher Education Access for Student Parent Research Initiative
- Title IX Protections for Student Parents
- Supporting Family Caregivers in STEMM
- UC San Diego: Family Resources
- The Mother Scholar Collective
UW System Campus Offices and Resources:
- UW-Milwaukee Student Parent Success Program
- UW-Milwaukee Children’s Learning Center
- UW-LaCrosse Self-Sufficiency Program
- UW-Oshkosh Pregnant and Parenting Resource Center
- UW-Green Bay Phoenix Childcare Support Program
- Systemwide Caregiving Task Force
- Syllabus Statement on Children in Virtual Classes
- UW-Green Bay Student Advocacy Panel
- Performance Review and Evaluation Guidelines for COVID and Caregiving