WGS Consortium


Since its permanent establishment in 1989, the Women’s and Gender Studies Consortium (WGSC) has made significant progress in strengthening ongoing activities and developing new initiatives in Women’s, Gender, Sexuality, and LGBTQ Studies.

Women’s and Gender Studies Consortium (WGSC)

Our Mission:  Who we are and why we exist
The Women’s and Gender Studies Consortium is a network of UW System Women’s and Gender Studies programs and systemwide initiatives. The Consortium is designed to enhance student learning and service to students; support multiculturalism and inclusion; lead efforts to develop and integrate intersectional feminist scholarship; and strengthen connections between campuses and communities.

Our Vision:  What we strive to be
Students and faculty in the Women’s and Gender Studies Consortium of 2020 will be working together in a transformed, more inclusive environment with vital learning communities, expanded opportunities for feminist research and activism that encourages interconnected and multicultural communities, and a deeper understanding of how this work enhances the social, cultural, and economic interests of Wisconsin and the world.

Our Community:  Who we serve
The Women’s and Gender Studies Consortium directly serves Women’s and Gender Studies students, faculty, staff, and administrators in all University of Wisconsin institutions. The Women’s Studies and Gender Consortium is committed to scholarship, teaching and activism that benefit all UW campuses and communities throughout the state. To accomplish this work, the Consortium invites and considers diverse voices, and seeks collaborations to improve the life of each community and the state of Wisconsin.

Since 1989 the WGSC has been contributing fulfilling the UW System Regents Policy against discrimination (14-3 Equal Opportunities in Education: Elimination of Discrimination Based on Gender) which includes in its Guidelines for Implementation that “in its role of shaping educational policy, the faculty of each institution/unit is encouraged to:

    1. give support to women’s studies courses,
    2. recruit faculty with an interest in women’s studies,
    3. support research in women’s studies,
    4. integrate the results of women’s studies research into existing curricula, and,
    5. evaluate and recommend for purchase library holdings, including periodical literature, books, and other instructional materials, in the area of women’s studies.”