2025 Presenter Guidelines

Key Considerations:

  1. Asynchronous presentations (pre-recorded presentations) can last up to 15 minutes but shorter versions are encouraged.
  2. Asynchronous presentations will be posted on the conference website one week prior to the conference, listed in the conference program, and remain available after the conference. We are happy to make modifications to this arrangement as requested. Please email Stephanie Rytilahti (srrytilahti@wisc.edu) with any questions.
  3. Here is an example of a virtual poster presentation. Here is an example of a virtual presentation.
  4. Presentation videos must include accurate closed captions/subtitles. You can create them in PowerPoint or when uploading to YouTube.
  5. Under your video on our website, there will be a place for feedback on your presentation.  This will give you a chance to interact with conference attendees and answer questions.
  6. Please follow the instructions on uploading your presentation to YouTube closely (detailed below).
  7. Please send the link to srrytilahti@wisc.edu by March 10, 2025.


Below are instructions for creating your own prerecorded presentation or poster presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint. Please label all completed files with your presentation title and name. Use a unit name for multiple panelists. Example: “CenteringResistance_StephanieRytilahti” OR “CenteringResistance_UW-Madison WGSC.”

First, some general tips:

  • Please make sure you are using the most updated version of PowerPoint. If you do not wish to update your software, instructions for older versions can be found here.
  • Position yourself close enough to your computer that it will pick up the sound of your voice.
  • Speak clearly and not too fast or too slow.
  • Practice what you will say in advance.
  • Record yourself in a quiet area; eliminate potential background noises.
  • If you are using video, test your lighting in advance to make sure your face is visible. We recommended placing a light behind your computer (facing you) and positioning yourself so that the camera captures your head and shoulders.
  • Your narrative should elaborate on the text/images on your slide. Avoid simply reading from your slide.
  • Be yourself and have fun!

Instructions for PowerPoint to MP4 (AUDIO ONLY):

Begin by creating a PowerPoint presentation as normal. Follow the below instructions when you are ready to add audio.

  1. Click on the slide you want to narrate.
  2. In the top tool bar, click “Insert.”
  3. Click the “Audio” button with the microphone icon. You will be given two options.
    1. OPTION 1: You can record audio in another app, and use “Audio on my PC/MAC” to insert the pre-recorded audio file saved on your computer. You could also add a song or other audio clip.
    2. OPTION 2: You can record audio in PowerPoint for each slide.
      1. Click “Record Audio.” A box labeled “Record Sound” will pop up.
      2. Click the red circle to record. Click the red square to stop. Click the green play button to review.
      3. If you want to re-record, click cancel and start over. Once you’re satisfied, click OK and a microphone icon will appear on your slide.
      4. Move this microphone icon somewhere on your slide that is not distracting. Try to put in the same place on each slide, such as the bottom left corner. When you hover over the icon, you can play your audio.
      5. Repeat for each slide.
  4. When you’re done, save your file as an MP4.
    1. Click “File” in the top left corner
    2. Click “Save as”
    3. Select the location to save in
    4. Label your file following the naming conventions outlined above
    5. Below the file name, click the drop-down menu for saving options
    6. Scroll down and select “MPEG-4 Video (*.mp4)”
    7. Click Save

*Watch this video to see step by step instructions 

Instructions for PowerPoint to MP4 (AUDIO & VIDEO):

This option is only available to those who have a web camera.

  1. In the top tool bar, click “Slide Show”
  2. Click “Record,” then choose “Record from Beginning” to add video for the whole presentation or “Record from Current Slide” to put video on just that slide.
  3. PowerPoint will open a new recording frame.
  4. When you are ready to record, click on the red circle in the top task bar. Move through the slides using the arrows at the bottom left corner.
  5. Click the red square to stop recording. Click the green play button to review.
  6. When you’re finished recording, end the recording frame by pressing the X in the top right corner. You will be taken back to your original PowerPoint and will see your video on your slides.
  7. To save your file as an MP4, click “File” in the top left corner.
  8. Click “Export.”
  9. Click “Create a Video.”
  10. Select your file size and quantity. We recommend “Full HD.”
  11. Below this, select “Use Recorded Timings and Narrations.”
  12. Click “Create Video.”
  13. Select the location to save your video in and label the file following the naming conventions above.
  14. Click Export. There is now a loading bar at the bottom of your PowerPoint indicating the status of your video creation (“Exporting: name of your file.mp4”)

*Watch this video for step by step instructions

Instructions for Uploading to YouTube

PLEASE NOTE: There are many options that YouTube offers through the process of uploading and publishing a video. The below list of directions cover only what the WGSC Conference requires for asynchronous presentations. For things that we do not cover in these directions, you can choose whatever you would like or ignore them.

  1. Log in to YouTube. (If you do not have a YouTube account, you can use a Google account.)
  2. In the top right corner, click the “Create” button.
  3. From the dropdown list, click “Upload Video.”
  4. Click the “Select File” button and upload your MP4 video from your saved file location. Click “Open” to upload.
  5. Title your video with the name of your presentation.
  6. Description: Write a 2-3 sentence description of the presentation, as well as: “This presentation is part of the UW System Women’s and Gender Studies Consortium April 2025 Conference, “Embodying Feminism: Calling In, Calling Out, Calling to Action.” Learn more here: https://consortium.gws.wisc.edu/conference/2025-conference.”
  7. Thumbnail: click “Auto-generated” to choose a thumbnail. (This may take some time to appear while the video is being uploaded.)
  8. Playlists: Do not add your video to a playlist.
  9. Audience: Select whether or not your video is made for kids, and under “Age restriction (advanced),” choose whether to restrict your video to viewers over 18 or not.
  10. Click on “Show More.”
  11. Altered content: Select the appropriate answer for your video.
  12. Language and captions certification: Select the video language and choose “None” for caption certification.
  13. License: Select “Standard YouTube License” and check the box for “Allow embedding.”
  14. Comments and Ratings: Turn off the comments option. Uncheck the box to show how many viewers like or dislike the video.
  15. Click Next.
  16. Video Elements: You can add subtitles here if they were not already included in the MP4 file. (You can also skip subtitles here, and let YouTube auto-generate captions. Then, you can go in and verify the captions are correct and make changes as needed for accuracy).
  17. Click Next.
  18. Checks: Click Next.
  19. Visibility: Select “Unlisted.” This makes your video viewable to conference attendees but not the general public.  If you would like your presentation available to everyone, select “Public.”
  20. Click Save. Your video is now published!
  21. If using YouTube’s auto-generated captions:
    1. Go to the “Subtitles” section of your channel.
    2. Click on the video.
    3. Where you see a line with “(automatic captions)”, hover over the word “Published.”
    4. Click the pencil icon to edit.
    5. Make changes as needed to text and timing to ensure accurate captions.
  22. Email your YouTube video link to Stephanie Rytilahti at srrytilahti@wisc.edu. Please include an image, such as a PDF or PNG of the first slide, for the main page for asynchronous presentations. (See 2023 conference pre-recorded content.)  If you have comments or questions, please include them in your email. Asynchronous presentations must be received by March 10, 2025.