Here you will find links to pre-recorded content for the Sustaining Hope: Feminisms, Freedom, and the Future 2023 conference.
Click on the session title below to watch the video. Scroll to the bottom of each page to leave comments or questions and engage in conversation with the presenter and other conference participants.
“I’ll Have the Baby for You!”: A Qualitative Analysis of Surrogates’ Motivations for Becoming Surrogates
Madeleine Allen, Rachel L. Dyer, Haviland Byrd, Tia M. Hebbring, Lauren White, Lilian Kreuser
Body Politics and Political Bodies: Families and Power in Global Muslim Cultural Productions
Ibtisam M. Abujad, Sara Tufekci,
Paid Leave and Parenting: Examining Family Leave Policies Through the Experiences of UW-Madison Faculty*
Isabella Ricker
***WGSC Student Award Nominee
ASMR Intimacy and Touch during the COVID-19 Era
Dr. Bernadette “bird” Bowen
Psychologists’ Interprofessional Relationships When Working with Surrogates: A Qualitative Exploration
Tia M. Hebbring, Rachel L. Dyer, Haviland Byrd, Madeleine Allen, Lauren White, Lilian Kreuser
Decolonizing Spatial Design with Modular Fashion: Building Sustainable Bodies and Building Sustainable Environments*
Samantha Starks
***WGSC Student Award Nominee
Ableism, Disability, and Systemic Injustice in the Lives of Runaway Youth and Youth Considering Running Away*
Rachel Litchman
***WGSC Student Award Nominee
Shame and Stigma connections to Sexual Experiences in a Queer Sample
Dr. Jennifer L. Huck, Maddie Hanson