WGSC Director Stephanie Rytilahti Cited in Telegraph Herald Article

Nicolette Welter and her husband, Brian, play with ther children
Nicolette Welter and her husband, Brian, play with ther children at Holy Cross park in Iowa.

Stephanie Rytilahti, WGSC Director and Co-Chair of the Caregiving Task Force, was featured in a Telegraph Herald article, “‘Balancing act’ for tri-state moms during pandemic.” An excerpt of what Dr. Rytilahti shared is below.

Stephanie Rytilahti, director of University of Wisconsin System’s Women’s and Gender Studies Consortium, said parents also have dealt with the constant risk assessment of asking themselves what their children can do safely. Other families have dealt with job losses or reduced hours or had to go work in front-line jobs.

“The situation just really looks different, too, depending on people’s economic position, depending on race, depending on family structures,” Rytilahti said.

She said the pandemic represents an opportunity to rebuild with an eye on the people who have struggled most in the past year. That means assessing issues such as the cost of child care and work flexibilities.

Read the full piece here.