Women’s Studies Consortium Publications from UW Press:
Flickering Clusters: Women, Science, and Collaborative Transformations. Edited by Cheryl Ney, Jacqueline Ross, and Laura Stempel. (2001. University of Wisconsin Press.)
Flickering Clusters documents a curriculum transformation project undertaken by the Women’s Studies Consortium in 1994: a National Science Foundation grant that created the Distinguished Visiting Professor Program in the UW System. The project was designed to initiate student-active curriculum reform in science education with the additional goal of increasing the retention rates of students of color and women in science, math and engineering classrooms. This book documents a unique effort to imagine and transform science education. The curriculum transformation project and the Women and Science Program that was institutionalized as a result of this effort have made valuable contributions to science, math and engineering education in the UW System. Discussing the challenges to be faced when developing student-active science education, Flickering Clusters can serve as a model for science, math, and engineering curriculum development at institutions of higher education throughout the nation. The Women’s Studies Consortium and its member women’s studies programs are proud to have been a part of this collaborative effort.
You can order a copy of Flickering Clusters online from UW Press at http://www.wisc.edu/wisconsinpress/books/3227.htm.
Transforming Women’s Education: The History of Women’s Studies in the University of Wisconsin System. A Collaborative Project of the University of Wisconsin System Women’s Studies Consortium. (1999. University of Wisconsin Press.)
Transforming Women’s Education traces the history of women’s studies at the University of Wisconsin. Drawing on oral histories and archival records, it follows this history from the earliest arguments over women’s admission to the university through their acceptance as students on equal terms with men, to the mid-twentieth-century development of special programs for mature women students, and finally, to the development in the 1970s of the new field of women’s studies.
You can order a copy of Transforming Women’s Education online from UW Press at http://www.wisc.edu/wisconsinpress/books/3387.htm.
Book of Papers from the 1998 Women’s Studies Conference Available Online
The entire book of papers from the 1998 UW System Women’s Studies Consortium Conference, SPEAKING OUT: WOMEN, POVERTY, AND PUBLIC POLICY, edited by Katherine A. Rhoades(UW-Eau Claire) and Anne Statham (UW-Parkside) is now available online. The book is available to download (PDF files) through the Women’s Studies Librarian’s Office of Publications and Services web site:
or you can directly access the book at:
A special thank you to Don Johnson, Editor, UW-Madison General Library System, for doing the conversion of the text to PDF format so more people can access this tremendous book that examines welfare and poverty issues.
Report of the Committee on the Status of Women in the University of Wisconsin System, University of Wisconsin System Initiative on the Status of, Women, October 25, 1999
A synopsis of the 1999 Report and recommendations to then-President Katharine Lyall from the Committee on the Status of Women, is available here:
The full report is available here: http://www.uwec.edu/CSW/initiatives/upload/womnrep2.pdf
Report to the President of the Status of Women Working Group, University of Wisconsin System, May 31, 2006
The 2006 Report and recommendations to then-President Kevin Reilly from the Task Force on the Status of Women is available here: https://www.uwec.edu/CSW/initiatives/upload/2006UWSystemReport.pdf