Erika Rosales

10 thoughts on “Erika Rosales”

  1. Erika’s work is so beautiful and evocative. And each so unique! The titles of these abstract works provide a hint about what Erica cares about, and invite us to stay with them a while, reflect on these clues, and then see what we see.

  2. Erika, I love your work! These are inspiring me to paint. Thank you for bringing these images to the physical world and for sharing them with us.

  3. Erika, what beautiful art you created! I am intrigued by the way each piece is named. Ver thought provoking! Congratulations!

  4. Erika,

    Your spirit is so beautifully captured across these different pieces—they show the collective depth and breadth of your full humanity. Thank you for sharing your self/work with the world.

  5. Erika, Your beautiful soul shines through in the art you have shared with us. Thank you for all that you do and for who you are.

  6. Erika, your art is so beautiful! Thank you for being an agent of healing by sharing it. I am starting my day inspired and joyous having just experienced delight and mystery that passed though you to me.

  7. Erika, que talentosa eres, me encantaron todas tus pinturas. Y vaya, que manera de capturar los títulos de cada pieza de arte:). Sigue echándole ganas a todo lo que agás!!

  8. Erika, Your art is so powerful at both conveying and evoking emotion. Thank you for sharing your talent with the world!

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