Self-care: Application to Life, Family, Work, and a Pandemic

Self-care: Application to Life, Family, Work, and a Pandemic

Burnout and Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS) are problems experienced by social workers who are in careers that help others cope with trauma (Kulkarni, Bell, & Hartman, 2013). What can we learn about these constructs to help improve the work environments of social workers? Employees experiencing burnout and STS will often have decreased job satisfaction, engagement, and organizational commitment; as well as increased absenteeism and turnover (Maslach & Leiter, 2008). Then, COVID-19 pandemic has substantially influenced how we live and work. Our personal lives as well as social work practice has had to significantly change and adapt By learning more about self-care, including definition, options, and examples, the participants will be able to apply this presentation to their professional career and personal life. The presentation will attempt to build on the current understanding of the pandemic as well as offer new solutions. This presentation will be informational, hands-on, and future-drive as it attempts to provide insight into how social workers can better manage and prevention symptoms of burnout and STS that impact both their professional careers and personal life.

Crystal Aschenbrener, Alverno College
Erica Odom
Angie Uvaldo
Lisa Ewing
Cielo Huesca-Jimenez
Holly Moore
Liz Salgado

1 thought on “Self-care: Application to Life, Family, Work, and a Pandemic”

  1. This was one of the best student presentations I have seen during my years at this conference. I am looking forward to returning to this to make a plan for my own self care and I hope there is a way to share it with students. Alverno professionals in the making have so much to teach us — throughout the state and wherever they go!

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