2025 Conference Vendor Registration

Please submit this form as soon as possible, but by March 1st at the latest, to be included as a vendor at the upcoming Women's & Gender Studies Conference.

  • Exhibit Space

    If you would like exhibit space at the upcoming Women's & Gender Studies Conference, please choose one of the options below. Checks should be made payable to UW-Madison and sent with a copy of this form to: Attention WGS Conference, UW-Madison, 3409 Sterling, 475 North Charter Street, Madison WI 53706
  • Community/Activist Organization Round Tables

    Would someone from your organization be interested in presenting about your community or activist work on a roundtable with other organizations at the conference on Friday or Saturday? If so, please email Stephanie Rytilahti: srrytilahti@wisc.edu.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.