Jessica Van Slooten (she/her/hers) of UW-Green Bay, Manitowoc Campus; and Valerie Murrenus Pilmaier of UW-Green Bay, Sheboygan Campus
Project Title: Decolonizing Pedagogies Across Disciplines
Why: Equity Begins in Community
What: Decentering whiteness; Intersectional curriculum design
How: Revise the English department outcomes and course descriptions to ensure intersectionality and anti-racism. This could be a pilot that could then be the structure for how to do it on a larger institutional scale.
Invite colleagues currently doing this work to consider the why: to consider what we value in our program and what skill-sets they want students to have after taking these courses/completing this major.
Invite colleagues to consider the materials that we have read/discussed in this workshop (decolonizing methodologies; decentering whiteness; anti-racism) and how we can apply these tenets to our outcome/course redesign.
Apply those ideas to revising our outcomes.
Consider those values/outcomes when revising our course descriptions.
Use this process as an example to other departments who need to rethink outcomes/course descriptions.