2023 Presenter Guidelines

Key Considerations:

  1. Poster presentations should last 5-7 minutes, and pre-recorded presentations can last up to 15 minutes but shorter versions are encouraged (these are general guidelines, not strict time limits).
  2. All poster presentations and pre-recorded talks will be posted on our conference website one week prior to the conference, will be in included in the conference program, and will remain on-demand after the conference.  We are happy to make modifications to this arrangement as requested, and please reach out directly with any privacy questions.
  3. You can find an example of a virtual poster presentation here.  You can find an example of a virtual presentation (uses PP slides versus poster only) here.  An example of a roundtable organized by the WGSC can be found here.
  4. Our conference website will include a form for feedback on your presentation.  This will give you a chance to interact with other conference attendees and answer questions.
  5. Please contact Stephanie directly with any questions!  We are happy to provide additional support.
  6. Please remember to follow the instructions provided on uploading your presentation to YouTube closely (detailed below)!

YouTube Instructions

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

Instructions for Uploading to YouTube:

You will need a Google account to upload to YouTube. Use an existing account or create one here. To make your video accessible to all audiences, please select closed captioning (see instructions below) and preview your video to ensure the captions match your audio.

  1. Log in to YouTube using your Google account.
  2. In the top right corner, click the video plus icon, which indicates “Create or Post a Video.”
  3. From the dropdown list, click on “Upload Video.”
  4. Click the “Select File” button and upload your MP4 video from your saved file location (i.e., Downloads, Documents, etc.). Click “Open” to upload.
  5. Title your video with the name of your presentation.
  6. Under “Description” add a 2-3 sentence description of the presentation or poster, along with all presenter names and pronouns (optional).
    1. Also under “Description,” please copy and paste the following: This presentation is part of the UW System Women’s and Gender Studies Consortium April 2023 Conference, “Sustaining Hope: Feminisms, Freedom, and the Future.” Learn more here:  https://consortium.gws.wisc.edu/conference-2023/.
  7. Once your video has finished uploading, YouTube will auto-generate various thumbnail options for you to choose from. Lengthy videos (larger file sizes) will take longer to upload.
  8. Do not select a playlist.
  9. Under “Audience,” select whether your video should be restricted to adults based on content and language. If appropriate, check the box for “Yes, it’s made for kids.”
  10. Click on “More Options” to reveal a drop-down menu of categories. Ignore “Paid Promotion” and “Tags.”
    1. Under “Language, Subtitles, and Closed Captioning,” select “English” for video language (unless another option is more applicable) and “None” for caption certification. We ask that all presenters caption their presentations and double check the transcription for accuracy.
    2. Add a recording date and location (optional).
    3. Under “Licensing and Distribution,” select “Standard YouTube License” and check the box for “Allow embedding.”
    4. Select a category for your video.
    5. Under “Comments and Ratings,” select “Disable comments.” Uncheck the box to show how many viewers like or dislike the video. Select “Next.”
  11. Ignore “Video Elements” section. Click “Next.”
  12. Under “Visibility,” select “unlisted” (this makes your video viewable to registered conference attendees with the link but not the general public).  If you would like your presentation searchable for a general audience, select “private.”
  13. Hit “Publish.”
  14. Email your YouTube video link to Stephanie Rytilahti at srrytilahti@wisc.edu.  Please include an image for the main page.  We will add your video to a conference playlist featuring other pre-recorded presentations and posters. These videos will remain accessible on the conference website and YouTube page. If you have comments or questions, please include them in your email.

Additional Technical Instructions

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

Instructions for PPT to MP4 Video Production:

Below are instructions for creating your own prerecorded presentation or poster presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint. Please label all completed files/links with your presentation/poster title and name. Use a unit name for multiple panelists. Example: “SustainingHope_StephanieRytilahti” OR “Sustaining Hope_UW-Madison WGSC.”

First, some general tips:

  • Please make sure you are using the most updated version of PowerPoint. If you do not wish to update your software, instructions for older versions can be found here.
  • Position yourself close enough to your computer that it will pick up your audio.
  • Speak clearly with gradual pacing (not too fast or too slow).
  • Practice your recording in advance.
  • Record yourself in a quiet area; eliminate potential background noises.
  • If you are using video, test your lighting in advance to make sure your face is visible. We recommended placing a light behind your computer (facing you) and positioning yourself so that the camera captures your head and shoulders.
  • Your narrative should elaborate on the text/images on your slide. Try to avoid simply reading from your slide.
  • Be yourself and have fun!

Instructions for PowerPoint to MP4 (AUDIO ONLY):

Begin by creating a PowerPoint presentation as normal. Follow the below instructions when you are ready to add audio.

  1. Click on the slide you wish to narrate.
  2. In the top left tool bar of PowerPoint, click “Insert.”
  3. A new menu of options will appear. Click the “Audio” button with the microphone icon. You will be given two options.
    1. OPTION 1: Click “Audio on my PC/MAC” to insert a pre-recorded audio file saved on your computer. This could be a song recording, audio clip, or another sound file you wish to include.
      1. Notice you can also click “Video” to insert a video URL link or a video saved on your computer.
    2. OPTION 2: Click “Record Audio.” This will bring up a recording box which you can label for each slide.
      1. Click the red circle to record your audio for the respective slide. Click the red square to stop. Click the green play button to hear how you sounded. Click cancel and follow step 3b to re-record. Or click ok and a microphone icon will appear on your slide.
      2. Move this microphone icon somewhere on your slide that is not distracting. Try to place it in the same place on each slide (such as the bottom left corner). Notice that when you hover your mouse over the icon, you can play your slide.
        1. Right click on the microphone icon for a “Trim” option to trim your audio as needed.
      3. Follow steps 3a or 3b for all slides until your presentation is finished.
      4. To save your file as an MP4, click “File” in the top left corner.
      5. Click “Save as”
      6. Select the location on your computer where you wish to save your file (Examples: Documents, Downloads, Desktop, etc.)
      7. Label your file following the naming conventions outlined above.
      8. Below the file name, click the drop-down menu for saving options.
      9. Scroll down and select “MPEG-4 Video (*.mp4)”
      10. You will then notice a loading bar at the bottom of your PowerPoint indicating the status of your video creation.
      11. Upload your MP4 file to YouTube (see instructions below).

*Watch this video (2:25) to follow along step by step with the above instructions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sldzf2jMrVM

Instructions for PowerPoint to MP4 (AUDIO & VIDEO):

 This option is only available to those who have a web camera either attached or built into their computer.

Begin by creating a PowerPoint presentation as normal. Follow the below instructions when you are ready to add audio/video.

  1. In the top left tool bar of PowerPoint, click “Slide Show”
  2. A new menu of options will appear. Click the “Record Slide Show” and choose “Record from Beginning” if you wish to add video throughout your presentation or “Record from Current Slide.”
  3. Your PowerPoint should open in a new recording frame.
    1. Hover over the microphone and camera icons in the lower right-hand corner to turn your microphone and camera on or off. This gives you the option to show your face in a small video square alongside the PowerPoint presentation.
    2. On the bottom of your task bar you will find a pen and highlighter icon. Click on either (even choose a color!) to make notes on your slides as you present. For example, you may circle something important or draw arrows to make connections.
  4. When you are ready to record, click on the red circle that says “Record” in the upper left corner. Click the red square to stop. Click the green play button to hear how you sounded.
    1. NOTE: You may continue recording as you click through your slides. You do not need to record a video for each individual slide.
  5. When you’re finished recording, end the recording frame by pressing the X in the top right corner.
    1. You will be taken back to your original PowerPoint and will see your video square within your slides.
  6. To save your file as an MP4, click “File” in the top left corner.
  7. Click “Export.”
  8. Click “Create a Video.”
  9. Select your file size and quantity. We recommend “Full HD.”
  10. Below this, select “Use Recorded Timings and Narrations.”
  11. Select the location on your computer where you wish to save your video (Examples: Documents, Downloads, Desktop, etc.)
  12. Label your file following the naming conventions outlined above.
  13. You will then notice a loading bar at the bottom of your PowerPoint indicating the status of your video creation.
  14. Upload your MP4 file to YouTube (see instructions below).

*Watch this video (6:44) to follow along step by step with the above instructions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8JV3w4TOVw